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SCO Unix and Security Installation

        Hello, this is my first message on the Listserver.  I am 
trying to implement BASIC security on a directory using the CERN 
Httpd 3.0 server.  I have modified the basic HTTPD.CONF file by 
adding one line at the end.  Unfortunately, I cannot get this 
statement to work properly.  I was wondering if anyone had any 
suggestions on how to correct this problem.   I would appreciate 
any help.

#  @(#)httpd.conf       CERN httpd 3.0 conf file for SCO 3.0 
#  For more information about how to configure this file, see:

        #  General parameters:

ServerRoot      /var/opt/cern_httpd

Port            80
UserId          nouser
GroupId         nogroup

AccessLog       logs/access.log
ErrorLog        logs/error.log
LogFormat       Common
LogTime         LocalTime

        #  URL mapping rules:

UserDir         public_html

Exec            /cgi-bin/*      /var/opt/cern_httpd/cgi-bin/*

Pass            /*              /var/opt/cern_httpd/htdocs/*

        #  Proxy forwarding rules:

# Pass    http:*
# Pass    ftp:*
# Pass    gopher:*
# Pass    wais:*

        #  Proxy caching parameters:
        #    Note:  in order to use proxy caching, you must first 
        #    <CacheRoot> directory 
        #    it to be owned by user "nouser"!
        #    See the CERN httpd documentation for more 

# Caching         On
# CacheRoot       /var/opt/cern_httpd/cachedir
# CacheSize       5

# NoCaching       http://localhost*
# NoCaching       http://my.local.machine.com*
# NoCaching       

Protect /* {
        GetMask @142.186.3.*